BitMEX Support
BitMEX was launched in the year 2014 by HDR Global Trading Limited with its headquarters in Seychelles. Known otherwise as Bitcoin Mercantile exchange, it is currently one of the world’s largest Bitcoin trading platform. Deposits on BitMEX are accepted only via Bitcoin, which you can later use to buy other cryptocurrencies and altcoins. By using an innovative method known as the auto-deleveraging feature, BitMEX ensures that even in volatile markets, all the liquidated positions can close. It is also important to note that BitMEX doesn’t deal with Fiat currencies, and the only currency allowed here is Bitcoin. Even if you buy or sell any other altcoins, your profit or loss will always be in Bitcoin. BitMEX is simple to understand, but still, novice traders can have issues while trading on it. But don’t worry, we have got your back. Our expert team can offer the right BitMEX tech support to you, round the clock and all year round. Just call, text, e-mail us or drop us a message on our social media account.
- I can’t log in to my BitMEX account.
- Forgot the password to my BitMEX account
- How does auto-deleveraging feature works?
- How to deposit funds?
- How to withdraw Bitcoin from my account?
- How does BitMEX cold wallet works?
- I can’t carry out any transaction
- Other Technical error
If you are still struggling and have any other issues apart from this, you can always contact Arcler Desk to provide reliable and prompt solutions to all Bitmex queries. We ensure a one-stop and 100 % effective solution for all types of problems you might encounter while using Bitmex.
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